Alzaher Gulf Traiding Company |

Saudi Arabia




Natural Oregano Flavor

The Ecodiar products are recommended for use in poultry, ruminants and aquaculture production. With increasing stringent regulatory controls and health concerns on the use of antibiotics and chemicals, the renowned safety and efficacies of natural oregano essential oil make Ecodiar products the ideal product for modern livestock production.

Ecopharm Hellas SA controls all the stages that are involved to produce Ecodiar products (ie cultivation, extraction of oregano essential oil, blending and packaging), the high quality of the Ecodiar product is maintained and priced economically.

Ecodiar products are produced under ISO 22000:2005 and FAMI-QS (GMP) certifications.

Instructions for Proper Use:

up to 21 days: mixed 200 ml per 1000 liters drinking water.
from 21 days Up to slaughter: mixed 150 ml per 1000 liters drinking water.

Laying and Turkey
mixed 150 ml per 1000 liters drinking water.

Calves (up to 75 kg b.w.)
Light flavoring:125 ml per 1000 liters.
Normal flavoring:250-500 ml per 1000 liters.

E433 Polyoxyethylene (20) Sorbitan Monoolate: 99gm.
Oregano oil (carvacrol 40 gm – Thymol 1.20 gm): 50gm.
E415 Xanthan: 1gm.
Water: Up to 1 liter.

A mixture of flavorings used in water as an appetizer

Net Weight: 1lt

Source: @ecopharmhellas5812 Youtube Channel

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